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Entity 'tce_answers'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK answer_id BigSerial YES NO
FK question_id/answer_question_id Bigint YES NO
answer_description Text YES NO This text may contain special markup tags for formatting and image linking.
answer_explanation Text NO NO This field must be displayed only on results.
answer_isright Boolean YES NO
answer_enabled Boolean YES NO Only enabled answers may be evaluated during test generation for a specific user.
answer_position Bigint NO NO This field can be used for ordering questions or for specify the appearance order of answers.
This order is used when test_random_answers_select and test_random_answers_order are both set to false.
answer_keyboard_key Bigint NO NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_question_answers Non-identifying tce_questions tce_answers 1:N
rel_answer_logs Identifying tce_answers tce_tests_logs_answers 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_answer question_id, answer_description, answer_position


Each question may have an unlimited number of answers and at least one of these must be right.

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_modules'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK module_id BigSerial YES NO
module_name Varchar(n) (255) YES YES
module_enabled Char (20) YES NO Only enabled modules can be used for a new test.
FK module_id/module_user_id Bigint YES NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_module_subjects Non-identifying tce_modules tce_subjects 1:N
rel_module_author Non-identifying tce_users tce_modules 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_module_name module_name

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs No
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_questions'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK question_id BigSerial YES NO
FK subject_id/question_subject_id Bigint YES NO
question_description Text YES NO This text may contain special markup tags for formatting and image linking.
question_explanation Text NO NO This field must be displayed only on results.
question_type Smallint YES NO
question_difficulty Smallint YES NO Higher values represent questions with an high grade of difficulty.
question_enabled Boolean YES NO Only enabled questions may be evaluated during test generation for a specific user.
question_position Bigint NO NO This order is used when test_random_questions_select and test_random_questions_order are both set to false.
question_timer Smallint NO NO
question_fullscreen Boolean YES NO
question_inline_answers Boolean YES NO
question_auto_next Boolean NO NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_subject_questions Non-identifying tce_subjects tce_questions 1:N
rel_question_answers Non-identifying tce_questions tce_answers 1:N
rel_question_logs Non-identifying tce_questions tce_tests_logs 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_question subject_id, question_description


Each subject may have an unlimited number of questions.

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_sessions'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK cpsession_id Varchar(n) (32) YES NO Session IDs are identification tokens for users, and servers can use them to maintain session data (e.g., variables) for creating a session-like experience to the users.
cpsession_expiry Timestamp YES NO This information is used to close the user's session automatically, if there has been no session-related activity for the prescribed amount of time.
cpsession_data Text YES NO In PHP this information may be encoded/decoded using the session_encode/session_decode functions.


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
session_data Informative tce_users tce_sessions 1:N


The basic idea behind web session management is that the server generates a session identifier (ID) at some early point in user interaction, sends this ID to the user's browser and makes sure that this same ID will be sent back by the browser along with each subsequent request. Session IDs thereby become identification tokens for users, and servers can use them to maintain session data (e.g., variables) for creating a session-like experience to the users.

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_subjects'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK subject_id BigSerial YES NO
subject_name Varchar(n) (255) YES NO
subject_description Text NO NO This text may contain special markup tags for formatting and image linking.
subject_enabled Boolean YES NO Only enabled subjects can be used for a new test.
FK module_id/subject_user_id Bigint YES NO
FK module_id/subject_module_id Bigint YES NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_subject_questions Non-identifying tce_subjects tce_questions 1:N
rel_subject_set Identifying tce_subjects tce_test_subjects 1:N
rel_subject_author Non-identifying tce_users tce_subjects 1:N
rel_module_subjects Non-identifying tce_modules tce_subjects 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_subject_name module_id, subject_name

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_test_subject_set'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique
PK tsubset_id BigSerial YES NO
FK test_id/tsubset_test_id Bigint YES NO
tsubset_type Smallint YES NO
tsubset_difficulty Smallint YES NO
tsubset_quantity Smallint YES NO
tsubset_answers Smallint YES NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_test_subjset Non-identifying tce_tests tce_test_subject_set 1:N
rel_set_subjects Identifying tce_test_subject_set tce_test_subjects 1:N

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs No
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_test_subjects'

General info

Entity type: dependent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique
PFK tsubset_id/subjset_tsubset_id Bigint YES NO
PFK subject_id/subjset_subject_id Bigint YES NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_subject_set Identifying tce_subjects tce_test_subjects 1:N
rel_set_subjects Identifying tce_test_subject_set tce_test_subjects 1:N

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_testgroups'

General info

Entity type: dependent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique
PFK test_id/tstgrp_test_id Bigint YES NO
PFK group_id/tstgrp_group_id Bigint YES NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_test_group Identifying tce_tests tce_testgroups 1:N
rel_group_test Identifying tce_user_groups tce_testgroups 1:N

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs No
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_tests'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK test_id BigSerial YES NO
test_name Varchar(n) (255) YES NO
test_description Text YES NO This text may contain special markup tags for formatting and image linking.
test_begin_time Timestamp NO NO
test_end_time Timestamp NO NO
test_duration_time Smallint YES NO Once started, the test will have to be completed within the specified amount of time.
test_ip_range Varchar(n) (255) YES NO This attribute may contain a comma-separated list of the different IP addresses of the client computers entitled to perform the test.
An IP address can also contain wildcards (* = any number),
(e.g.: 192.168.1.*, 192.168.2.*).
test_results_to_users Boolean YES NO
test_report_to_users Boolean NO NO
test_score_right Numeric(p,s) (10,3) NO NO
test_score_wrong Numeric(p,s) (10,3) NO NO
test_score_unanswered Numeric(p,s) (10,3) NO NO
test_max_score Numeric(p,s) (10,3) YES NO
FK module_id/test_user_id Bigint YES NO Only the administrator and the author of the test (or his/her group) may update/delete the test.
test_score_threshold Numeric(p,s) (10,3) NO NO
test_random_questions_select Boolean YES NO
test_random_questions_order Boolean YES NO
test_questions_order_mode Smallint YES NO
test_random_answers_select Boolean YES NO
test_random_answers_order Boolean YES NO
test_answers_order_mode Smallint YES NO
test_comment_enabled Boolean YES NO
test_menu_enabled Boolean YES NO
test_noanswer_enabled Boolean YES NO
test_mcma_radio Boolean YES NO
test_repeatable Boolean YES NO
test_mcma_partial_score Boolean YES NO
test_logout_on_timeout Boolean YES NO
test_password Varchar(n) (255) NO NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_test_users Non-identifying tce_tests tce_tests_users 1:N
rel_test_author Non-identifying tce_users tce_tests 1:N
rel_test_group Identifying tce_tests tce_testgroups 1:N
rel_test_subjset Non-identifying tce_tests tce_test_subject_set 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_test_name test_name


Tests can contain several topics (subjects).
You cannot modify a test that has already performed.
When a test is deleted, so they are all its logs.

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_tests_logs'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK testlog_id BigSerial YES NO
FK testuser_id/testlog_testuser_id Bigint YES NO
testlog_user_ip Varchar(n) (39) NO NO
FK question_id/testlog_question_id Bigint YES NO
testlog_answer_text Text NO NO This will be set only if the question is free-answer type.
testlog_score Numeric(p,s) (10,3) NO NO This score may be automatically calculated in case of multiple-choice question, otherwise may be manually set.
testlog_creation_time Timestamp NO NO
testlog_display_time Timestamp NO NO
testlog_change_time Timestamp NO NO
testlog_reaction_time Bigint NO NO
testlog_order Smallint YES NO
testlog_num_answers Smallint YES NO
testlog_comment Text NO NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_question_logs Non-identifying tce_questions tce_tests_logs 1:N
rel_testuser_logs Non-identifying tce_tests_users tce_tests_logs 1:N
rel_testlog_answers Identifying tce_tests_logs tce_tests_logs_answers 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_testuser_question testuser_id, question_id


All tuples (rows) are created during test creation process (when user request to execute a specific test).
The tuples are updated when user answer questions.

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_tests_logs_answers'

General info

Entity type: dependent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PFK testlog_id/logansw_testlog_id Bigint YES NO
PFK answer_id/logansw_answer_id Bigint YES NO
logansw_selected Smallint YES NO
logansw_order Smallint YES NO This avoid an automatic ordering problem that happens in MySQL
logansw_position Bigint NO NO This field is used only for ordering questions.


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_answer_logs Identifying tce_answers tce_tests_logs_answers 1:N
rel_testlog_answers Identifying tce_tests_logs tce_tests_logs_answers 1:N

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_tests_users'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK testuser_id BigSerial YES NO
FK test_id/testuser_test_id Bigint YES NO
FK module_id/testuser_user_id Bigint YES NO
testuser_status Smallint YES NO TCExam legal values are:
0 = the test generation process is started but not completed;
1 = the test has been successfully created;
2 = all questions have been displayed to the user;
3 = all questions have been answered;
4 = test locked (for timeout);
testuser_creation_time Timestamp YES NO
testuser_comment Text NO NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_user_tests Non-identifying tce_users tce_tests_users 1:N
rel_test_users Non-identifying tce_tests tce_tests_users 1:N
rel_testuser_logs Non-identifying tce_tests_users tce_tests_logs 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_testuser test_id, module_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_user_groups'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique
PK group_id BigSerial YES NO
group_name Varchar(n) (255) YES YES


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_group_user Identifying tce_user_groups tce_usrgroups 1:N
rel_group_test Identifying tce_user_groups tce_testgroups 1:N

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs No
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_users'

General info

Entity type: independent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique Notes
PK module_id Bigint YES NO
user_name Varchar(n) (255) YES NO
user_password Varchar(n) (255) YES NO Passwords are encrypted by a one way algorithm (MD5).
user_email Varchar(n) (255) NO NO
user_regdate Timestamp YES NO
user_ip Varchar(n) (39) YES NO
user_firstname Varchar(n) (255) NO NO
user_lastname Varchar(n) (255) NO NO
user_birthdate Date NO NO
user_birthplace Varchar(n) (255) NO NO
user_regnumber Varchar(n) (255) NO NO
user_ssn Varchar(n) (255) NO NO
user_level Smallint YES NO To gain access to a specific resource, the user's level must be equal or greater to the one specified for the requested resource.
TCExam has 10 predefined user's levels:
0 = anonymous user (not registered).
1 = basic user (registered);
2-9 = configurable/custom levels;
10 = administrator with full access rights
user_verifycode Varchar(n) (32) NO YES
user_otpkey Varchar(n) (255) NO NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_user_tests Non-identifying tce_users tce_tests_users 1:N
session_data Informative tce_users tce_sessions 1:N
rel_test_author Non-identifying tce_users tce_tests 1:N
rel_subject_author Non-identifying tce_users tce_subjects 1:N
rel_user_group Identifying tce_users tce_usrgroups 1:N
rel_module_author Non-identifying tce_users tce_modules 1:N

Alternative keys

Name Attributes
ak_user_name user_name
ak_user_regnumber user_regnumber
ak_user_ssn user_ssn


Just the registered users granted with a username and a password are entitled to access the restricted areas of TCExam and the public area to perform the tests.
It is possible to specify different access levels for users to gain access to a specific resource (pages, forms, sections). The user's level must be equal or greater to the one specified for the requested resource.

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs Yes
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

Entity 'tce_usrgroups'

General info

Entity type: dependent


Key Attribute/role name Data type Not null Unique
PFK module_id/usrgrp_user_id Bigint YES NO
PFK group_id/usrgrp_group_id Bigint YES NO


Relationship name Type Parent entity Child entity Card.
rel_user_group Identifying tce_users tce_usrgroups 1:N
rel_group_user Identifying tce_user_groups tce_usrgroups 1:N

User-defined variables

Name Value
Temporary Table No
Inherited Tables
Without OIDs No
Using index tablespace (for Primary key)

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