Alternative Keys

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General info

Entity name tce_answers
Attributes question_id, answer_description, answer_position

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_modules
Attributes module_name

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_questions
Attributes subject_id, question_description

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_subjects
Attributes module_id, subject_name

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_tests
Attributes test_name

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_tests_logs
Attributes testuser_id, question_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_tests_users
Attributes test_id, module_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_users
Attributes user_name

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_users
Attributes user_regnumber

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace


General info

Entity name tce_users
Attributes user_ssn

User-defined variables

Name Value
Generate Alternate key as unique Index No
Using index tablespace

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