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Relationship 'rel_answer_logs'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_answers
Child entity tce_tests_logs_answers


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
answer_id logansw_answer_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_group_test'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_user_groups
Child entity tce_testgroups


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
group_id tstgrp_group_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_group_user'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_user_groups
Child entity tce_usrgroups


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
group_id usrgrp_group_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_module_author'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_users
Child entity tce_modules


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id module_user_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_module_subjects'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_modules
Child entity tce_subjects


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id subject_module_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_question_answers'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_questions
Child entity tce_answers


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
question_id answer_question_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_question_logs'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_questions
Child entity tce_tests_logs


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
question_id testlog_question_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_set_subjects'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_test_subject_set
Child entity tce_test_subjects


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
tsubset_id subjset_tsubset_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_subject_author'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_users
Child entity tce_subjects


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id subject_user_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_subject_questions'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_subjects
Child entity tce_questions


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
subject_id question_subject_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_subject_set'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_subjects
Child entity tce_test_subjects


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
subject_id subjset_subject_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_test_author'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_users
Child entity tce_tests


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id test_user_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_test_group'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_tests
Child entity tce_testgroups


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
test_id tstgrp_test_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_test_subjset'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_tests
Child entity tce_test_subject_set


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
test_id tsubset_test_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_test_users'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_tests
Child entity tce_tests_users


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
test_id testuser_test_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_testlog_answers'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_tests_logs
Child entity tce_tests_logs_answers


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
testlog_id logansw_testlog_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_testuser_logs'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_tests_users
Child entity tce_tests_logs


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
testuser_id testlog_testuser_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_user_group'

General info

Relationship type identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_users
Child entity tce_usrgroups


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id usrgrp_user_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'rel_user_tests'

General info

Relationship type non-identifying Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_users
Child entity tce_tests_users


Parent mandatory
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Parent ---- NONE CASCADE
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id testuser_user_id

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

Relationship 'session_data'

General info

Relationship type informative Cardinality 1:N
Parent entity tce_users
Child entity tce_sessions


Parent optional
Child optional

Referential integrity

Insert Update Delete
Child NONE NONE ----


Parent key Child key
module_id ???

User-defined variables

Name Value
Match Type Default
Deferrable (Deferre constraint to the end of the transaction) No
Deferred (Check constraint at the end of the transaction) No

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