TCExam uses the following scoring algorithms for each ty of question:
MCSA (Multiple Choice Single Answers)
For each question the possible scores are:
- true option selected = [question right score] = [test basic points] * [question difficulty]
- false option selected = [question wrong score] = [test points for wrong answer] * [question difficulty]
- no option selected = [question unanswered score] = [test points for no answer] * [question difficulty]
MCMA (Multiple Choice Multiple Answers)
On MCMA questions, each individual alternative answer can be considered as an independent true/false question.
For each question the maximum scores are:
- [question max right score] = [test basic points] * [question difficulty]
- [question max wrong score] = [test points for wrong answer] * [question difficulty]
- [question max unanswered score] = [test points for no answer] * [question difficulty]
For each individual answer the possible scores are:
- [answer right score] = [question max right score] / [number of alternative answers]
- [answer wrong score] = [question max wrong score] / [number of alternative answers]
- [answer unanswered score] = [question max unanswered score] / [number of alternative answers]
The possible scores for each option are:
- false option set as false = [answer right score]
- false option set as true = [answer wrong score]
- false option not answered = [answer unanswered score]
- true option set as true = [answer right score]
- true option set as false = [answer wrong score]
- true option not answered = [answer unanswered score]
If the "partial score for MCMA" option is set, then the
sum of the above scores for all answers gives you the final
question score. TCExam consider an MCMA question as right if you
score more than 50% of [question max right
score]. If the "radiobuttons for MCMA" option is unchecked,
then unanswered questions are always considered marked as false, so
the test-taker always get a score even not anwering (normally 50%
of the score if the right and wrong answers are balanced).
If the "partial score for MCMA" option is unset, then the
final question score will be equal to [question
max right score] only if the maximum score is reached,
otherwise the [question max wrong score]
or [question max unanswered score] is
ORDER (Ordering Answers)
The scoring algorithm is the same as the MCMA questions.
A single option is considered right if the selected number is equal
to the correct position number, wrong or unanswered otherwise.
TEXT (free-answer questions, essay questions, subjective questions, short-answer questions)
Essay questions are scored manually using the Answer Evaluation form. Teachers may assign default test points or arbitrary points and include a comment.
TEXT questions with alternative short answers can be automatically graded. If the test-taker's answer correspond to an alternative short answer (regardless text capitalization), then a right answer score is assigned, otherwise the question must be manually graded.