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Statistical functions for test results.


Nicola Asuni


Table of Contents


F_getUserTestStat()  : mixed
Returns statistic array for the test-user
F_getUserTestTotals()  : mixed
Returns test-user totals
F_getTestStat()  : mixed
Returns statistic array for the selected test.
F_getRawTestStat()  : mixed
Returns raw statistic array for the selected test.
F_normalizeTestStatAverages()  : mixed
Calculate average values from TestStat array
F_printTestStat()  : mixed
Returns test stats as HTML table
F_printTestResultStat()  : mixed
Returns test stats as HTML table
F_printUserTestStat()  : mixed
Returns user test stats as HTML table
F_getAllUsersTestStat()  : mixed
Returns users statistic array for the selected test.
F_lockUserTest()  : mixed
Lock the user's test.<br>
F_getTestIDResults()  : string
Returns a comma separated string of test IDs with test_results_to_users enabled
F_getTestIDReports()  : string
Returns a comma separated string of test IDs with test_results_to_users enabled
F_getTestIDs()  : string
Returns a comma separated string of test IDs with test_results_to_users enabled



Returns statistic array for the test-user

F_getUserTestStat( $test_id[,  $user_id = 0 ][,  $testuser_id = 0 ][,  $pubmode = false ]) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID.

$user_id : = 0

(int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user.

$testuser_id : = 0

(int) test-user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified test-user.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface. return $data array containing test-user statistics.


Returns test-user totals

F_getUserTestTotals( $test_id[,  $user_id = 0 ][,  $testuser_id = 0 ][,  $pubmode = false ]) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID.

$user_id : = 0

(int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user.

$testuser_id : = 0

(int) test-user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified test-user.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface. return $data array containing test-user statistics.


Returns statistic array for the selected test.

F_getTestStat( $test_id[,  $group_id = 0 ][,  $user_id = 0 ][,  $startdate = 0 ][,  $enddate = 0 ][,  $testuser_id = 0 ][,  $pubmode = false ]) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID.

$group_id : = 0

(int) group ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user group.

$user_id : = 0

(int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user.

$startdate : = 0

(int) start date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified starting date

$enddate : = 0

(int) end date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified ending date

$testuser_id : = 0

(int) test-user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified test-user.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface. return $data array containing test statistics.


Returns raw statistic array for the selected test.

F_getRawTestStat( $test_id[,  $group_id = 0 ][,  $user_id = 0 ][,  $startdate = 0 ][,  $enddate = 0 ][,  $testuser_id = 0 ][,  $data = [] ][,  $pubmode = false ]) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID.

$group_id : = 0

(int) group ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user group.

$user_id : = 0

(int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user.

$startdate : = 0

(int) start date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified starting date

$enddate : = 0

(int) end date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified ending date

$testuser_id : = 0

(int) test-user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified test-user.

$data : = []

(array) Array of existing data to be merged with the current one.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface. return $data array containing test statistics.


Calculate average values from TestStat array

F_normalizeTestStatAverages( $data) : mixed
$data :

(array) Raw data array. return $data (array) Processed array.


Returns test stats as HTML table

F_printTestStat( $test_id[,  $group_id = 0 ][,  $user_id = 0 ][,  $startdate = 0 ][,  $enddate = 0 ][,  $testuser_id = 0 ][,  $ts = [] ][,  $display_mode = 2 ][,  $pubmode = false ]) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID.

$group_id : = 0

(int) group ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user group.

$user_id : = 0

(int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user.

$startdate : = 0

(int) start date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified starting date

$enddate : = 0

(int) end date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified ending date

$testuser_id : = 0

(int) test-user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified test-user.

$ts : = []

(array) array of stats to print (leave empty to automatically generate new data).

$display_mode : = 2

display (int) mode: 0 = disabled; 1 = minimum; 2 = module; 3 = subject; 4 = question; 5 = answer.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface. return $data string containing HTML table.


Returns test stats as HTML table

F_printTestResultStat( $data,  $nextorderdir,  $order_field,  $filter[,  $pubmode = false ][,  $stats = 1 ]) : mixed
$data :

(array) Array containing test statistics.

$nextorderdir :

(int) next order direction.

$order_field :

(string) order fields.

$filter :

(string) filter string for URLs.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface.

$stats : = 1

(int) 2 = full stats; 1 = user stats; 0 = disabled stats; return HTML table string.


Returns user test stats as HTML table

F_printUserTestStat( $testuser_id) : mixed
$testuser_id :

(int) test-user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified test-user. return $data string containing HTML table.


Returns users statistic array for the selected test.

F_getAllUsersTestStat( $test_id[,  $group_id = 0 ][,  $user_id = 0 ][,  $startdate = 0 ][,  $enddate = 0 ][,  $full_order_field = 'total_score' ][,  $pubmode = false ][,  $stats = 2 ]) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID.

$group_id : = 0

(int) group ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user group.

$user_id : = 0

(int) user ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified user.

$startdate : = 0

(string) start date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified starting date

$enddate : = 0

(string) end date ID - if greater than zero, filter stats for the specified ending date

$full_order_field : = 'total_score'

(string) Ordering fields for SQL query.

$pubmode : = false

(boolean) If true filter the results for the public interface.

$stats : = 2

(int) 2 = full stats; 1 = user stats; 0 = disabled stats; return $data array containing test statistics.


Lock the user's test.<br>

F_lockUserTest( $test_id,  $user_id) : mixed
$test_id :

(int) test ID

$user_id :

(int) user ID


Returns a comma separated string of test IDs with test_results_to_users enabled

F_getTestIDResults( $test_id, mixed $user_id) : string
$test_id :

(int) Test ID.

$user_id : mixed
Return values


Returns a comma separated string of test IDs with test_results_to_users enabled

F_getTestIDReports( $test_id, mixed $user_id) : string
$test_id :

(int) Test ID.

$user_id : mixed
Return values


Returns a comma separated string of test IDs with test_results_to_users enabled

F_getTestIDs( $test_id, mixed $user_id[, mixed $filter = 'test_results_to_users' ]) : string
$test_id :

(int) Test ID.

$user_id : mixed
$filter : mixed = 'test_results_to_users'
Return values
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